Focus Areas

Three technical focus areas

About 85% of the world’s energy is generated from combustion of fossil fuels. Energy production based on fossil fuels not only depletes the energy reserves, but also creates greenhouse gases and pollutants. Securing a breakthrough in reduced CO2 emissions and other factors influencing the climate are among the most important challenges for mankind in the 21st century. In the sectors aviation and peak-load and back-up power generation, combustion will be difficult, for not to say impossible, to replace. This in turn requires that sustainable, alternative, fossil-free, fuels must be widely deployed. These sectors have further constraints to consider, necessitating high compactness, efficiency, durability, and reliability. Based on data from 2019, aviation is responsible for ~2.5% of the worlds CO2 emissions and ~5% of the global warming. Based on data from 2014 peak-load and back-up power gen-eration is responsible for ~3% of the worlds CO2 emissions. These sectors rely relatively heavy on continuous combustion engines like gas turbines and jet engines. The climate effects may be greatly reduced by replacing fossil fuels with alternative, sustainable, non-fossil, turbine fuels, provided that such fuels can be produced in sufficient volumes at an acceptable cost, without further affecting the climate or interfering with food production. To reach a sustainable energy production and transportation it is necessary to understand and develop all parts of the value chain. We target three focus area: production of fuels, the use of fuels including engine development and performance, and holistic sustainability aspects.

Focus on sustainability

A holistic analysis of the economic and environmental performance of sustainable fuel value chains, in comparison to fossil and electric alternatives.

Focus on fuel and engine

Understanding the combustion process and the performance of the engine in long and short timespan, and the need for material and design improvements.

Focus on fuel production

Development of innovative processes for production of aviation and gas turbine fuels from sustainable feedstocks, including lignocellulose biomass.

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